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Team Fees

# of Swimmers / Discount / Price
1st swimmer  n/a = $95.00
2nd swimmer   $10.00 = $85.00
3rd swimmer   $15.00 = $80.00
4th swimmer  $20.00 = $75.00
5+swimmers   $25.00 = $70.00

  • Please note: If you are not a resident of Sherwood Oaks Neighborhood, current on HOA dues, upon check-out, your cost will add-in a $50 fee one-time/once per family during registration. So your full cost will be the price of the swimmer + $50 fee. 
  • Fees must be paid in full at the time of registration via Stripe (credit card). 
  • Fees include:
    • 1 team swim cap
    • 1 team t-shirt
  • Fees do NOT include:
    • Team swim suit*
    • Goggles
    • Fins
  • *The team suit will be available for purchase at the pool. Previous year's suits as well as solid black suits will be acceptable.
  • Important: Each family is required to complete 6 points per family of volunteer effort for the season. Any family who does not meet the minimum volunteer points per season will be required to pay a $300 fee for unfilled service hours. We really can't stress how much we need all of our family's help during the season!

Refund Policy:

Team fees are nonrefundable, unless swimmers are unable to swim 1/2 length of the pool by 5/13. These swimmers will not continue to the swim team competition season and can be refunded 50%.

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